Tips on how to take care of your mental health during covid 19 pandemic |
It's been more than 2 years now and the world has not recovered yet with this global pandemic caused by covid-19. And because of the global pandemic, we all are confined to spending much more time at home than we ever did before I guess. This could be so frustrating for many people (especially poor and middle-class families) to cope with this pandemic and lockdown.
According to the current situation, the whole world is fighting together to get rid of this virus. But as the situations are still getting worse and out of control deep down it's also affecting our mental health as well. So we want to share some tips and suggestions on how to take care of your mental health during the covid 19 pandemic.
Mental Health Defined
If you'd ask me to define mental health in simple words? I would say, mental health is a state of balance between the physical, emotional, and mental that helps the person to have a favorable relationship with himself/herself, with his/her environment, personally, work, family and intellectual and that allows him/her to maintain a state of well-being.
How To Take Care of Your Mental Health During Covid 19 Pandemic
According to the specialist, there are several options or ways to keep us mentally healthy and fit, despite the confinement and fear we face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So what are they let's check them out?
1) Say No to Cravings: Spending more time at home can lead us to modify our old habits and our schedules. Delaying the time of meals can lead us to snack and feel tempted to resort to unsuitable foods like snacks, pastries, pizzas, burgers, and processed foods. But instead of having them, you can have fresh fruit, take a handful of raw or toasted nuts without salt, natural yogurt, or dairy products.
2) Drink Water: Don't forget to hydrate yourself properly, remember to drink water (at least 10-12 glasses of water daily).
3) Physical Activities: Though this time we all are locked up inside our houses and can't go outside we should take advantage of this time to start a gentle practice of physical activity and progressively increase frequency and intensity. Now we have more time to think about which exercises to perform and which ones we like. It will be noticeable, after a few days, greater flexibility and agility.
4) Yoga/ Meditation: To keep your mind relaxed and focused yoga and meditation could be the best task for you to take care of your mental health during the covid-19 pandemic. If you are a newbie you can just search on Google or YouTube you will find a lot of tutorials over there.
5) Have Positive Mindset: Try as much as possible to be positive and enjoy the simple things in life. Many people across the country are helping their neighbors and communities during this time of crisis. If you ever feel lonely or sober you can call or talk to the person to whom you love the most. Nobody knows when this pandemic will be over but hopefully one day we all will be celebrating our triumph over this virus.
6) Have quality Sleep: Mental health disorders, such as depression and suicidal thoughts are strongly connected to having poor sleep quality at night. According to the source, 90% of people complained about not having quality sleep.
7) Avoid Excessive Mobile Use: It's true that smartphones have become one of the most important parts of our lives. But spending all our time on social media and browsing other stuff on the internet has completely made our lives miserable.
According to a new study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, it has been found that there is a link between the use of social media and negative effects on a person, primarily loneliness and depression.
8) Learn New Skills: The best way to utilize this time is by learning new skills. If you have been planning to learn some new skills it is the best time to grab them and add them to your portfolio.
Because of the pandemic, there are many famous universities that are offering free courses and many other education startups are coming who are providing valuable courses at very low prices.
Here are some possible warning signs that could define if your mental health is really affected or not. And if in case you find any of these symptoms in your behavior I would strongly suggest you consult your doctor or psychotherapists as soon as possible:
- Lack of desire to do things/ no motivation
- Anxiety or Panic attacks
- Lack of concentration
- Isolation
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Sadness that lasts for more than 2 weeks
- Sudden mood swings
- Lack of sleep
- Alcohol or illegal substance abuse
- Violent attitude
Well despite ignoring, these are the signs that tell us that it is the best time to seek out the psychiatrist immediately to maintain emotional stability.
Best Time To Visit a Psychiatrist
When all the alternatives you try to carry out to feel good and positive about yourself but nothing works out, when a behavior, thought, hopelessness, negative feeling, or unfavorable mood becomes persistent or intensified it is very important to seek support from a health professional as soon as possible.