6 Effective Home Made Remedies For Diabetes
Homemade Remedies for Diabetes

Diabetes has become one of the worst problems in today's world. Diabetes can then be controlled, but it cannot be eradicated from the root completely. Diabetes, if not controlled on time, can affect your kidneys, eyes, heart, and even your shoot up or lower down your blood pressure.

Diabetes increases the amount of blood sugar or blood glucose in the body. This happens when the body is deficient in a hormone called insulin or if insulin does not fit properly with our body. Earlier, Diabetes used to occur only after the age of 40 or 45, but nowadays it has become a major cause of concern among children because of poor lifestyles and unhealthy food.

 In this article, we have provided the top 6 effective homemade remedies for diabetes. These remedies are easily available anywhere. If you are also a diabetic person and looking for some homemade remedies you must try these remedies. But we strongly recommend you consult with your doctor as well.

    What is Diabetes?

    In simple terms, the food we consume for energy turns into starch, then the starch turns into glucose that is transported all over the cells in our body to provide us energy and strength to do our daily work.

    Insulin helps to transport glucose to other cells in our body. But when the amount of insulin decreases the level of sugar and glucose increases automatically. In this case, the increased level of glucose begins to damage various parts of the body causing Diabetes.

    Types Of  Diabetes

    There are two types of diabetes:

    Type 1

    This is the early stage of diabetes and it can be controlled. In Type 1 diabetes, The body stops producing insulin. This happens for genetic reasons. When the body stops producing insulin, it is given to the patient through injections. This diabetes affects children and youth up to 19 years of age very quickly.

    Type 2 

    Diabetes reduces insulin formation in the body. Obesity, hypertension, and poor lifestyle are responsible for the cause. That is why cases of type 2 diabetes are more common and are now mostly seen in people nowadays. Type 2 diabetes is cured by improving lifestyles along with medicines. This diabetes occurs in adults.

    Main Reasons for Diabetes

    • High Blood Pressure
    • Hereditary
    • Insulin Deficiency
    • High Cholesterol
    • Unhealthy diet
    • Over-thinking/ tension
    • More sugar consumption
    • Lack of physical activities
    • Drugs, Smoke, Tobacco
    • Lacks of sleep
    • Early Symptoms of Diabetes
    • It has been observed that both types of diabetes (Type-1 and Type-2) have some of the same telltale early signs.
    • Oversleep
    • Hunger and fatigue.
    • Peeing more often at night and being thirstier
    • Itchy skin
    • Dry mouth
    • Blurred vision
    • Weight loss (without a workout/exercise)

    Top 5 Home Made Remedies For Diabetes Control 

    1) Mango Leaves: Take 5-10 fresh mango leaves and put them in 1 glass of normal water and leave it overnight. On the next day strain the water and take drink it all. Taking it daily maintains the amount of insulin in the blood and helps to fight diabetes. 

    You can also try making a powder of mango leaves by mixing it in normal water and drinking it twice a day.

    2) Tulsi Leaves: Tulsi leaves have the ability to reduce blood sugar in the body. Extract the juice from the Tulsi leaves. Take 2 teaspoons of Tulsi juice daily in the morning with an empty stomach.

    3) Amla: Amla aka Indian Gooseberry is rich in vitamin C which has a tendency to control diabetes. Grind 2-3 amla to make a paste of it. Extract all the juice from the paste. In one glass of normal water mix 2 tbsp of Amla juice and drink it every morning.

    4) Guava: Guava contains vitamin C and fiber that keeps the blood sugar under control if you start eating every day. Consuming 1 or 2 guavas a day is helpful in controlling diabetes.

    5) Green Tea: Green tea controls the glucose levels present in the body, it prevents high insulin spikes and fat storage and works to control blood sugar levels. Taking 1 cup of Green tea every morning can reduce the problem of diabetes.

    6) Aloe-Vera: Aloe vera is beneficial for us in so many ways. Many people use it on their faces to get rid of acne or pimples. However, very few people would know that this plant has many medicinal properties. 

    Aloe vera is usually used by people to enhance facial beauty. Very few people would know that this normal little-looking plant full of pulp boasts many medicinal properties within it. Aloe vera is like a boon for diabetics. Soak the aloe vera leaves overnight in 1 glass of water and drink this water in the morning before having your breakfast.

    Complications of diabetes

    Diabetes can affect our bodies in many ways. There are many complications caused by diabetes. Therefore, it is very important for us to be aware of it and take care of ourselves. Here are a few complications we have mentioned that have been found in diabetic persons.

    Eye Problem: Diabetes can cause difficulty in seeing anything especially at night. The light can also cause trouble to the eyes. There is also a risk of being blind.

    Infections: Diabetes can cause wounds and infections in the patient's legs and skin. If this lasts for a long time, it can also lead to cutting off legs or hands. This infection can also cause pain, itching, etc. in the patient's legs, or in other areas parts of the body.

    Indigestion: Diabetes causes problems in the digestion of food. This can lead to stomach problems making patients weak.

    Kidney Damage: Increased blood sugar in the body can also lead to kidney damage. This prevents the kidney from functioning to kidney failure.

    Nerve Damage: Diabetes can also cause damage to the nervous system of the body. This can lead to pain, irritation, tingling, or numbness in the body.

    Lifestyle modifications in diabetes (Diabetes Control Tips)

    Your daily lifestyle is considered to be an important role in diabetes. Therefore, maintaining a healthy and better lifestyle could help you to lower the risk of diabetes.

    • Check your glucose levels and be alert if it is 100 before taking meals and more than 125 after taking meals. Get your HbA1c tests done every three months. This test will show you the actual level of sugar in your body.
    • Change your daily eating habits, avoid taking sugar and too much fat.
    • Add fiber riched foods into your diet such as Lentils, fresh popcorn, beans, avocados, broccoli, etc.
    • Drink the right amount of water (7-8 glasses of water every day).
    • Exercise daily.
    • Stress is also one of the main causes of diabetes. So, try to do yoga asanas and meditation to relieve stress.
    • Always control your weight. Remember, obesity increases the chances of sugar (diabetes).
    • Get enough 6-7 hours of sleep at night.
    • Do not skip your medicines. (Take them regularly).
    • Always consult your doctors for a proper diet and medications.

    According to the current stats, India has the highest number of diabetes cases across the world. About 5% of India's population suffers from diabetes. People with a high risk of diabetes already have many symptoms. 

    However, lack of knowledge prevents people from recognizing the early symptoms of diabetes. So if you find any symptoms do consult your doctor immediately.