List of Foods rich in Omega-3: Adding Omega 3 to our diet is key to healthy living. The consumption of sources of Omega 3 is one of the most recommended habits to take care of cardiovascular and circulatory health. This type of essential fatty acid is characterized because of its many health benefits.
In addition to its cardiovascular properties, Omega-3 helps protect the brain against the effects of premature aging, as it stimulates cell regeneration and reduces the negative impact of free radicals. The consumption of foods with Omega 3 helps fundamentally, to maintain normal levels of cholesterol (which is one of the major risk factors of heart disease).
Different studies and researches have shown that Omega 3 fatty acids from marine sources are the most beneficial for our health. As the consumption of fish in our diet is so low and also considering the pollution of the seas today, what is recommended is to supplement our diet with Omega 3 supplements that are of high purity and with high concentrations of EPA and DHA, which are the essential fatty acids of Omega 3, to reach in this way the levels that are required daily.
To ensure concentration and purity, always choose that the supplement which is IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) certified.
To complement your diet and to keep you fit and healthy, we have shared a list of foods rich in Omega-3 that you should include in your daily diet.
List of Foods Rich in Omega-3
Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are not only beneficial in your fat loss journey but it is also stand out for their great contribution to Omega-3. Every 100 grams provides about 20 grams of this fatty acid and, in turn, is a great source of dietary fiber and amino acids. You can add it to your smoothies, your breakfast, or buy enriched bread with these seeds.
Chia seeds: They provide up to 20 grams of Omega 3 per 100 grams - just like flaxseed - and they also have fiber, antioxidants, and essential minerals. Sprinkle a handful of chia seeds over your smoothies and juices, or you can add them to your granola for breakfast.
Salmon: Each 100-gram serving of salmon can provide about 4 grams of Omega-3, in addition to 39.3 grams of high-quality protein that helps meet the daily requirements of the body. In addition, its contributions of B complex vitamins, together with Omega-3, reduce the risk of depression and cognitive difficulties. Prepare it roasted or grilled, and consume as much as possible about 2 or 3 servings a week.
Olive oil: It is one of the sources of healthy fatty acids that provide the most benefits to the body when consumed regularly and in the proper amount. Every 100 grams provides about 8.3 grams of Omega-3 and is an excellent source of antioxidant substances. To consume it, you can eat a tablespoon (16 g) of extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach, or dress your salads or sandwiches with a small stream.
Walnuts: They are an important source of Omega-3 that can help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and cognitive disorders. Every 100 grams provides up to 9 gm of this fatty acid and, in addition, they also have amino acids and dietary fiber.
Eat a handful of nuts every time you feel like eating something like snacks or you can simply add them to your fruit and vegetable smoothies. Along with keeping you fit and healthy, dry fruits also work to control obesity.
Cauliflower: It is the main source of omega-3 fatty acids among vegetables. One cup of cooked Cauliflower contains 280 ml of omega-3. Apart from this, broccoli is also one of the best sources of omega-3 that should be added to your diet.
Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Reduce depression and stress.
- Improve brain function.
- Reduce the risk of heart diseases.
- Reduce Symptoms of ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children.
- Relief from insomnia.
- Keep your skin healthy and glowing.
- Alleviate Menstrual Pain.
- Improve eyesight.
- Reduce fat in the liver.
- Reduce the risk of cancer.